Your Student Career
Begins With Edify
Years of Experience
Universities WorldWide
Students Counselled
Education Programs
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Visa Success
Services We Provide
Your Future Starts Here
With 15+ years of expertise and a network of 350+ universities, Edify Consulting is your trusted partner for higher education success. Let us guide you to the perfect program—start your journey today!
Discover Your Path With
Edify Consulting’s Higher
Education Services
Edify Consulting is a higher education counseling and placement firm with over 15 years of experience and a network of 350+ universities. Our team of expert counselors is dedicated to helping students achieve their academic and career aspirations by guiding them through the college and graduate school admission process. With 20,000 students counseled and over 17,000 students enrolled in 250 programs worldwide, Edify Consulting is committed to helping students reach their full potential.